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This season, each family needs 162 points to complete registration.

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Point System

Prior to registration make sure you take time to familiarize yourself with our point system to track family job requirements. You need to select your volunteer jobs and snack bar contributions to complete registration.

Season Jobs are worth 100 points

Meet Jobs are worth 10 points

Snack Bar donations are worth 1 point 

NOTE: We know jobs and availability changes. These jobs can be edited once registration is complete. It is your responsibility to let the volunteer coordinator know if you cannot fulfill your meet job.

Calculating Points

  1. Each family is required to volunteer for both halves of the practice meet.
    2 meet jobs - 20 points
  2. Each family is required to sign up for 4 meet jobs (if there are 2 home dual meets).
    4 meet jobs - 40 points
  3. Each family is required to sign up for 5 meet jobs (if there are 3 home dual meets).
    5 meet jobs - 50 points
  4. Each Snack Bar donation will each be worth 1 point.
    2 snack bar donations - 2 points
  5. Each family is required to sign up for one season job.
    1 season job - 100 points
  6. Champs jobs are not opened until late in the season and do not factor into the total points required at time of registration.

Total Points required at registration:
Season with 2 home dual meets - 162 points
Season with 3 home dual meets - 172 points

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Volunteer Requirements

Meet Jobs

  1. Each family must volunteer for both halves of the practice swim meet.
  2. Each family must volunteer for one Champs meet job.
  3. Each family must volunteer for a total of five half-meet jobs (if there are three home dual meets) or four half-meet jobs (if there are two home dual meets) over the course of the season. You can choose to spread these out as you wish (e.g., you might choose to work both halves of one meet, followed by not working at the next meet) as long as you volunteer for the requisite number of half jobs over the course of our season
  4. Each family must contribute two snack bar items during the course of our swim meets. You may elect to donate $25 per food item in lieu of donating food (i.e. $25 for one item or $50 for two items).

See the Meet Job Descriptions below for more information.

Season Job

  1. Each family must volunteer to assist with one social or fundraising event. Signing up for one event is required to complete the registration process.

See the Season Job Descriptions below for more information.

Exempt Season Job

There are a small number of season jobs that allow you to be exempt from additional meet jobs during the regular season (all families are required to help at Champs as needed). Most of these jobs roll over season-to-season. Keep in mind, these jobs are exempt because of the amount of work required for the position. Please reach out to the swim team chair if you are interested in learning more about one of these positions.

See the Exempt Season Job Descriptions below for more information.

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Season Jobs

Each family is required to have one Season Job that will be worth 100 points. Descriptions of the majority of the season jobs are listed below.

Donut Days

No swimmer wants to miss donut days. After practice each swimmer can pick out a donut for a post‐workout snack. There are two of these events; one held right after the team starts practicing and another about a month later. Perfect season job for new families!

Ice Cream Pig-Outs

Another sweet treat! After attending practice, each swimmer can create their own ice cream sundae (several flavors with lots of topping choices). There are two of these events during the season. Perfect season job for new families!

Team Store

All 6 and under swimmers to our 9 -10 age groups are given a “ticket” every time they attend practice. On select days they can use the tickets to purchase fun prizes at the Team Store!

Season Opener BBQ

Welcome our swimmers and families at our season opener bbq. Volunteers will help plan event, coordinate helpers, and purchase food items. It is a well attended event, be ready to jump start our season!

Tacos at the Pool!

Tacos at the Pool! We host two taco dinners during the season. Helpers are needed to make this event successful. Come prepared to help set up, cook, supervise food lines and clean up after the event. Some shopping prior to the event might be required.

Pizza at the Pool!

Pizza at the Pool! You’ll be helping order, pick up and distribute pizza to swimmers and their families. There will be two Pizza at the Pool dinners.


The Overnighter is a long-time favorite and swim team family tradition. The pool is closed at 6 pm to non‐swim team members. The team provides pizza and attendees bring side dishes or snacks (fruit, chips, etc.) to share. After dinner, parents and coaches engage the kids in fun activities (both in and out of the pool). There are s’mores and two movies are presented, one for younger and another for older kids. Most families stay the night, but if that option isn’t right for your child, they can stay and play until the start of quiet time at 10 pm.

At 10 pm, the front door is locked and “guarded” throughout the night (parents take shifts). Everyone sleeps out under the stars on the lawn with breakfast and coffee showing up early in the morning. The event ends at 8 am. Chair people for this event are often seasoned families but helping on the overnight committee is a fun season job for new families!

Play Day

Instead of practice, swimmers gather at the pool for an afternoon filled with games, food, crafts, and FUN. Each family brings snacks so there are plenty of munchies. Being part of the play day committee is a great way for new families to participate in the fun.

11 and Up party

This event is a special gathering for the older swimmer, (11+). They no longer participate in the Team Store, but they get their own fun evening filled with games, music, food and fun. Helping with this event is a great season job for parents with older swimmers.

Breakfast of Champions and Spirit Day

This morning is focused on getting ready for Champs! After a shortened morning workout, enjoy a pancake breakfast spread with fruit, scrambled eggs and more! Dolphin swimmers eat free, and their parents/siblings can enjoy breakfast for a nominal fee. After breakfast stay and make posters for Champs, get your nails painted or hair wrapped in the team's colors. You can also decorate your car with team colors. This event occurs the day before the Championship Meet. This is a fun event and perfect committee job for new families with swimmers of all ages.

DF Driver

Ssshhh! Don’t tell anyone about this super secret (and super fun) job. Spread Laurelwood Dolphin spirit the evening before Champs by delivering goodies to our swimmers' homes. Must have a car and be available the evening before Champs (after dark).

Awards Dinner and Ceremony

Let’s celebrate the end of a successful swim team season! After a long exhausting day at Champs, many families pick up dinner picnic before the Awards Ceremony and picnic at the pool. Occasionally, the swim team parent committee will organize a taco dinner for families for a fee and RSVPs are required. Swimmers are treated to ice cream for dessert. People dress up a bit and the pool is closed for swimming. After dinner, people get out their foldable chairs to watch the awards. Each swimmer receives a challenge coin and special coaches awards are given. The evening ends with special goodbyes to our seniors. 

Jobs for the event involve setting up, helping with the taco dinner (if offered), purchasing and distributing ice cream and cleaning up. This is another great event for new families to meet their season job obligation.

Social Media / Designer

Do you love creating eye-catching and informative flyers and share on social media? LW swim team has many fun social events and we need a designer to help us spread the word on Donut Days, Ice Cream Pig Out, Team Overnighter, Breakfast of Champions and Spirit Day, LW Spirit wear contest, Tacos at the Pool, Fun Fridays and Awards Night.


Do you love taking photos and have a nice DSLR camera? Our team photographer will take photos at swim meets and as many special events as possible and upload images to our SmugMug site to share with the team.

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Meet Jobs

It often takes some trial runs to figure out which meet job you will enjoy the most. As a new family you may wish to experiment and sign up for a variety of meet jobs to find your best fit. The majority of jobs are working in conjunction with other swim team parents so there is always guidance available and it is also a great way to meet other team members.

Each Meet Job will be worth one point towards your total points required to fulfill your family job requirement. Your meet jobs requirements for the season are as follows:

  1. Each family must volunteer for both halves of the practice swim meet.
  2. Each family must volunteer for one Champs meet job.
  3. Each family must volunteer for a total of five half-meet jobs (if there are three home dual meets) or four half-meet jobs (if there are two home dual meets) over the course of the season. You can choose to spread these out as you wish (e.g., you might choose to work both halves of one meet, followed by not working at the next meet) as long as you volunteer for the requisite number of half jobs over the course of our season

 Each meet job will be worth 10 points. For a season requiring 40 meet jobs you will need to earn a minimum of 60 points (20 points for practice meet + 40 from dual meets). For a season requiring 50 meet jobs you will need to earn a minimum of 70 points (20 points for practice meet + 50 from dual meets). Champs jobs are not opened until late in the season and do not factor into the total points required at time of registration.

*Note: swim team jobs do take your full attention so you need to have adequate child care coverage during the meet. Swim team families often help each other out in this regard. Also, for swim meet jobs that involve the handling of food it is very important that children not handle and serve any food items.

Clerk of Course jobs:

Head Clerk of the Course – Responsible for organizing swimmers by event, heat, and lane and getting them safely to the starting blocks while minimizing delays between adjacent heats. Combines heats so no swimmer races alone and notifies the Timing Console of seeding changes. [Previous CoC Experience Required]

Assistant Clerk of the Course – Assist the Clerk of the Course as needed to seat swimmers, assist in leading swimmers to starting blocks, and keep starting area clear of spectators. [No Experience Necessary]

Clerk of the Course Runner – Lead swimmers to starting blocks, and keep starting area clear of spectators. During 13-18 events, check trash bins and empty/replace bags as needed. [No Experience Necessary]

Lane Jobs:

Head Timer – Responsible for all the Timers and Recorders. Assures the Timers & Recorders are properly briefed prior to each session; Supervises the Timers during the session, starts additional watches to be used as a substitute in the event a Timer's watch fails. [Previous Timer and Recorder Experience Required]

Timer – Stops the electronic timing or starts/stops a manual stopwatch.
Relays the manual time to the Recorder. Each lane has three timers to serve as a sort of checks and balances. The time from all three timers is averaged to make up the official time for the swimmer so no need to fear a timing job! [No Experience Necessary]

Recorder – Records the manual watch times, verifies that the proper swimmers are competing in that lane, puts hand in water for 6&U backstroke (palm towards wall). [No Experience Necessary]

Table Jobs:

All table jobs require training so you will be asked to attend a meeting prior to the swim season. Don’t let this scare you! Table jobs are straightforward once you have attended the training.

Timing Console (Head Data) Oversees the Dolphin electronic timing system and works with the Starter to verify equipment status. Inputs Clerk of the Course changes and imports timing result files into Hy-Tek. [Pre-Season Training Required]

Table Worker: Intermediary - Enters DQ Codes. Validates the times are correct as compared to the recorder sheets. Re-calculates averages as necessary. Notifies Results & Ribbons when an event is complete. Oversees Meet Mobile. [Pre-Season or Shadow Training Required]

Table Worker – Runner – Collects DQ Slips from S&T Judges and Recorder Slips from each lane and delivers to the Intermediary Table Workers. [No Experience Necessary]

Table Worker – Results & Ribbons - Prints Results and Ribbon Labels. Post results on Result Board. Prepare ribbons with result (place and heat winner) labels. [Pre-Season or Shadow Training Required]

Poolside Jobs:

Stroke & Turn Judge and Relay/False Start Judge – Judge legality of strokes & turns per league rules. [Pre-Season JSSL Stroke & Turn Clinic Attendance Required]

Announcer – Controls the tempo of the meet. Keeps spectators, coaches and swimmers informed and their interest maintained throughout the meet via timely announcements, information, snack bar specials and enthusiastic descriptions of the races, where appropriate. [Shadow Training Required]

Starter – The starter must know the rules and governing starting procedures; operates the electronic timing progression; works with the Announcer to control the pace of the meet. Ensures that all swimmers receive a fair and equitable start. [Pre-Season JSSL Starters Clinic Attendance and Shadow Training Required]

Timing Console Assistant – Keeps track of the meet by updating the Event/Heat board, which in turn is used by Stroke & Turn judges and the Announcer. Compares heat sheet to swimmers in the water, and notifies the Timing Console of irregularities (e.g. absent or extra swimmers). [No Experience Necessary]

Food Jobs:

Hospitality / Bathroom Monitor - Fill water glasses at the side of the Snack Bar near the refrigerator, offer water to all adults working the meet. Check paper towel and toiletpaper supply, restock if needed (see Manager) and check for general cleanliness of bathroom.

BBQ - set up prep - Make sure the BBQ area is clean, set up equipment, clean and prep condiments, start BBQ @9am.

BBQ - 1st shift cook - Assist prep person with finishing prep work, cook and serve BBQ items, restock supplies as needed.

BBQ - 2nd shift cook - Cook and serve BBQ items, restock supplies as needed check with Head BBQ person about amounts of food to cook.

BBQ - 3rd shift cook - Cook and serve BBQ items, check in with head BBQ person about amounts of food to cook, inform snack bar of items running low, clean up at end of meet.

Snack Bar Setup PM This job takes place on Friday evening. Setup tables, table clothes, extension cords, tubs, ice chests and microwave.

Snack Bar Setup AM This job takes place Saturday morning. Help setup the snack bar area and prep some food items, check in donations, sell food.

Snack Bar Server - Sell food and replenish depleted food when necessary.

Snack Bar Cleanup - Put away all food items, tables, tubs and equipment.

Snow Cone Assistance – Serve snow cones during home meets

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Exempt Season Jobs

Exempt Season jobs are worth 160 or 170 points. Meaning, it takes the place of both a season job and all dual meet responsibilities, leaving only 2 snack bar donations left as a requirement for registration. Listed below are descriptions of Exempt Season Jobs. If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact the Swim Team Chair at [email protected].

Head Table Worker

Oversees all Table Workers at all home meets.

Head Table Worker (Training)

(Only opened as needed) Two year position: Shadows Head Table Worker. Assistant will take over as the Head Table Worker next season.

Data Manager

Minimum two year position: Learn the Meet Maestro system.

Data Manager (Training)

(Only opened as needed) Two year position: Shadows Data Manager. Assistant will take over as the Data Manager the next season.

Ribbon Coordinator

Maintain stock of ribbons, in charge managing meet workers and all ribbon related activity throughout season.

Snack Bar Chair

In charge of setting up snack bar, managing donations, purchasing needed items, training meet job workers.

BBQ Chair

Prepares all BBQ food items during home meet. Requires substantial time commitment outside of meets.

Head Meet Set-up/Tear-down Team

Snack bar and meet set-up and tear-down team. Friday night 8 pm/Saturday morning 7 am before practice/home meets. Point of Contact for Meet Director.

Meet Set-up/Tear-down Team

Snack bar and meet set-up and tear-down team. Friday night 8 pm/Saturday morning 7 am before practice/home meets.


Ensures that all swimmers receive a fair and equitable start. Must know the rules and governing starting procedures; operates the electronic timing progression; works with Announcer to control pace of the meet. Training: Attend the pre-season JSSL clinic.

Head Timer

Responsible for all the Timers and Recorders. Assures the Timers & Recorders are properly briefed prior to each session; Supervises the Timers during the session, starts additional watches to be used as a substitute in the event a Timer's watch fails. Lead Timer meeting prior to start of meet. Must arrive by 8:15am.

Computer Operator

Oversees the Dolphin electronic timing system and works with the Starter to verify equipment status. Inputs Clerk of the Course changes.


Do you love taking photos and have a nice DSLR camera? Our team photographer will take photos at swim meets and as many special events as possible and upload images to our SmugMug site to share with the team.

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Copyright © 2020 Laurelwood Cabana Club.
(408) 769-2333
3700 Benton St, Santa Clara CA 95051-4508

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